You know the feeling – you just left the house to catch a train or a flight and you have that nagging feeling that you’ve forgotten something back at home! Well I’m about to embark on the biggest trip of my life and I feel completely nervous thinking about what Keith and I are about to embark on. It’s one thing to have a dream but it really is another thing to actually act on it! I feel like I’m now falling into a new more dangerous category, as you can see from one of my favourite quotes:
“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. This I did.” – T. E. Lawrence
Well we have read the books, watched the dvds, bought the bikes, packed up our lives, sorted a million and one things, spent way too much money on kit, had the leaving party and now tomorrow Keith and I will be making our departure from this cold and wintry country and start heading south! I wish I could say that I feel we are ready, but I would just be kidding myself! I’ve only just completed the last few bits and pieces on my bike today and Keith’s didn’t even start this evening! (He had left his heated grips on and the battery was flat!) So there’s going to be a mad panic tomorrow morning as we sort out the last few things on our lists before we head off.
We have cut it fine, but I guess for there is only so much you can do for a trip like this and then you just have to go for it! I’m sure that as we go along we will find out a lot more about ourselves, each other, the bikes and the world, what an adventure! Still you guys who are reading this are all our great friends and I would love it if you did even one small thing to step out of yourself this coming week as an act of solidarity with us, act on a dream or start training for that marathon you always said you would do, be a dreamer of the day!
I’ve uploaded some pictures taken at our leaving party in London, however the camera came out a bit late so not everyone who came was captured.
On the admin side of things I’ve updated the sponsorship pages with details of how to sponsor Dignity, one of the projects we are raising money for, however charity: water still haven’t been able to get registered with JustGiving so as soon as they have that I will start pushing the sponsorship side of things a whole lot more!